Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boston MSDN Dev Conference

I'm in Boston tonight, getting ready for tomorrow's Lap Around the Live Framework and Mesh Services presentation. Live Services provide a unique, open, single point of access set of tools for connecting your Contacts, Devices, Applications, and Files.

While the Live Framework provides a nice C# API to utilize the Live Services, there are already Javascript and Silverlight APIs out there, with PHP and more on the way. Live Services leverage HTTP via Atom, JSON, POX (Plain Old XML), or RSS... it's possible to connect using any language that allows you to work with those structures. In addition, you can use URI-LINQ (LINQ commands sent using http GET requests), perform CRUD, and more. What's more, Live Services provides Synchronization, Caching, and Analytics where appropriate.

Hope to see you in Boston: if not, I'm pretty sure that we're doing the TVCC2 (Tech Valley Code Camp 2) in the March timeframe, and I'll be snagging a few of the speakers from here for the event.

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